
Survival Guide for summer festivals

Some nice tips in case you go to a festival, and of course don´t forget to look for the PULPOLOCO SANGRÍA stand:

So you’ve chosen the festival, got your ticket and you’re almost set to go.  But what do you bring?  Here are the things we don’t leave the house without:

  • Backpack –To carry all your essential gear to the event.
  • Day pack – To carry stuff that wont fit in your pocket.
  • Tent – Give it a quick check over before you go, make sure it’s in good condition since the last time you used it.
  • Sleeping Bag and roll mat.
  • Clothing – Don’t bring anything too nice, it will probably get wrecked.  Pack comfortable shoes and sensible clothing that will get you through the days, as well as warm clothing for nights.
  • Wellies, sunglasses and sun cream – Prepare for the extremes especially if  you’re heading to a UK festival.  No matter what the forecast says,  you never quite know whether there might be a heatwave or a thunderstorm, prepare for the best and worst.
  • Mobile Phone – Festivals are usually very crowded, you’re bound to get lost.  Spare phone  batteries are useful too.  The last thing you want to do is be sitting by a plug, charging your phone while you’re mates are having a good time.
  • Cash – Take enough money to get through the whole festival, sometimes cash machines can be hard to find.
  • Medication – Pack the essential medication you will need in the original packaging in case of emergencies and ensure your friends know your medical situation.  Bring basic medication; paracetamol, insect repellent, indigestion tablets etc. your less prepared friends might be very thankful.  But if you get caught you with anything illegal, you will be dealt with by police and possibly kicked off the premises and denied entry, so that’s not a good idea!
  • Pocket Knife – For opening cans and things, it always comes in handy.
  • Water – Essential in hot weather, most festival organisers will permit you to take water into the event.
  • Toiletries- Especially wet wipes, when you cant be bothered using all the other stuff you brought with you.
  • Toilet paper
  • Extra plastic bags,  to pack your dirty gear away.”

You can read the full article here on the site of the summer festival guide: summerfestivalguide


pulpoloco sangria cartocan ecofriendly festival